Christianity as a Slave Morality Religion and its Modern Secularized Variants: A Jewish Conspiracy and Hoax on the Gentiles


I call Christianity the one great curse, the one great intrinsic depravity, and the one great instinct of revenge, for which no means are venomous enough, or secret, subterranean and small enough - I call it the one immortal blemish on the human race. - Friedrich Nietzsche




1. The Christian System Top ↑

Christianity is a sophisticated divide and conquer millenarianist (1) slave morality (2) system that is packaged as a religion. The system works by weaponizing the outcastes and lowest "chandala" (3) classes of society (4) to attack and overthrow the aristocratic and warrior castes; and secondly, the christian system contains within it a pacifist slave morality system that is designed to transvaluate a groups aristocratic and warrior values while turning these aristocratic and warrior castes into obedient and submissive slaves.

2. Weaponizing the "Chandala" Castes

Friedrich Nietzsche described how the Christian "slave-morality" system works in his book 'On the Genealogy of Morality' (1887). He wrote that the jews (5), who are motivated by deep resentment and hatred (6), create "slave morality" systems (7) (Christianity and its secularized variants of Marxism/Bolshevism/Leftism/Progressivism), which, through monotheism (good vs evil), universalism/universal equality, the concepts of sin and salvation, and the 'transvaluation of values' (redefining "good" as virtues of the "chandala", i.e., weakness as a virtue), are designed to empower the lowest "chandala" castes so that they will attack the aristocratic and warrior castes (8). The savior complex (9) is a subset of christian self-deification and is a heritage of monotheism and messianism (10) and the christian concepts of 'priesthood of all believers' and 'man as the image of [a vengeful] god' interpreted in a literal and exclusive way. Self-deification (11) is the foundation for attacking heretics, especially of "aristocratic" or "warrior" castes (12), and redeeming others. 

3. Slave Morality System

Friedrich Nietzsche wrote that simultaneous to empowering the "chandala" caste to attack the aristocratic and warrior castes, as well as, empowering them to become ingroup behavior regulators (relative to set commandments of christian behavior), the Christian slave morality system "transvaluates" a group's traditional values, i.e., replaces a groups aristocratic values with "chandala" values (guilt, pity, self-hate, weakness, and vulgarity replace strength, pride, honor, loyalty, family, race, and tradition, etc.) while it also subconsciously connects a population to jews, fills a group with fear (trauma-based mind-control programming), self-hate, strips them of their will to power, fills them with guilt and shame complexes, robs them of their connection to ancestry and genetic memory, makes them stupid (intellectual curiosity and critical thinking are not only threats to faith/fideism but are sins, and this is the reason why every Christian white trash town is filled with people whose culture is built around a contempt for learning) (13), and instills into a group a slave-like mentality of obedience. It does this through:

  • Transvaluation of a group's traditional values.
  • Fear and punishment/trauma based mind-control programming: genital mutilation at birth; the concept of "hell" that they plagiarized from Plato's Republic (the 'Myth of Er' (14)); the lifelong fear of death (Pagans equated death with glory). Also, reward. The concept of "heaven" for asceticism/suffering/obedience.
  • Monotheism/Moral Absolutism: the eternal conflict between God and Satan, Good and Evil, us vs them. This is what led to so many European religious wars, and when combined with the concept of sin, it is also what creates the self-defied "chandala" described above (SJW's in secularized form).
  • Group polarization (15).
  • Guilt and shame: Instilling guilt and shame complexes from birth and then offering a program of "salvation". Christians are brainwashed into believing that they are sinners (there are dozens of types) and that they were born with Original Sin (sin you inherit from simply being born).
  • Learned helplessness: no matter how enslaved and exploited you are you shouldn't resist because a savior will eventually come rescue you if you pray hard enough, and if a savior doesn't come, you will be rewarded when you die.
  • Penance: Evangelism and missionary work as part of a program of salvation that will release your guilt. Evangelism makes the psyop self-perpetuating.
  • Prayer: The purpose of prayer is to reinforce the brainwashing (guilt, shame, fear) by continually repeating directed affirmations.
  • Confession: To further reinforce the guilt and shame complexes by continually confessing guilt. Confession also creates a religious commandment that turns followers into informers, exposes traitors to the church or state, exposes rebellions, and makes the system self-regulating. 
This was a clever divide-and-conquer strategy. Build a coalition of the outcastes of society and then weaponize them to attack the warrior and aristocratic castes while simultaneously transvaluating their aristocratic cultural values to subvert them. This was the formula that was used in Rome, the French Revolution [link], Revolutions of 1848 [link], Russian Revolution [link], and attempted in the German Revolution [link]. Each of these revolutions empowered and weaponized the outcastes of society with a unifying slave-morality ideology (Marxism/Bolshevism/Leftism are simply secular variants of christianity). 
        This system was also integral to European colonialism. Before the colonial powers sent the military they sent the missionaries. Through christianity, they weaponized the outcastes to fight the warrior castes. Then, christianity placated the native populations preventing any rebellion (the lowest outcastes self-policed the warrior castes who had their warrior values "transvaluated" and the population eventually succumbed to the thought that they would be rewarded when they die if they submitted).

See also: TschandalaMaster–slave moralityRessentiment, and Transvaluation of values


1. Secularization of Christianity Top ↑

As well as Christianity being a slave-morality system, Fredrich Nietzsche wrote that Liberalism is a
 secularized Christian political-theological religion (16). The Reformation coincided with the invention of the Gutenberg printing press which increased literacy and this is when a myriad of Protestant sects sprung forth: the Anabaptists, the Mennonites, the Amish, the Digger Movement, the Ranters, etc., all of whom adhered to a system of communism and preached about universalism and a utopia on earth. Marxism was one of these sects. The only difference is that Marxism was the first secularized Christian sect where the belief in a supernatural god was replaced with a belief in an omnipresent government. 

2. Marxism is Secularized Christianity

Marxism is a secularized Christian sect that replaces god with the government. The central organizing principle of classical Marxist economics, “from each according to his ability, to each according to his need”, was lifted verbatim from the pages of the New Testament. Marx's historical materialism (theory of history) is the eschatological framework of Christian orthodoxy in secularized form. Christian salvation is Marxian emancipation. Also, Marxism is built on the philosophy of liberation and universalism (17) and preys on the impoverished and outcastes of society by promising them a future utopia through the triumph of the proletariat. Marxism, like christianity, is also dogmatic and sectarian; both justify violence as a catalyst for social change; both prohibit private property; "take from the rich to give to the poor", and "may the last be first", etc. If you strip away the Marxian narrative you will see that at its core it is the exact same christian divide and conquer population control system that is designed to weaponize the resentment of the lower classes for the overthrow of society. This is not a coincidence. Influenced by his teacher Bruno Bauer who wrote extensively about how Leftism was a secular christian cult, Karl Marx approached a Christian communist group called the 'League of the Just' (18) and got them to finance him while he came up with an atheist-compatible sect of christianity.

3. Marxist Denominations

Marxism is a secularized sect of Christianity that sees class as the main cause for inequality. Critical Theory is a Marxist sect that replaces class with culture as the main cause of inequality (i.e., "Cultural Marxism"). Critical Race Theory is a Marxist sect that replaces class with race as the main cause of inequality (i.e., "Race Marxism"), and Third Wave Feminism is a Marxist sect that replaces class with gender as the main cause of inequality (i.e., "Gender Marxism"). There is overlap between these Marxist sects, and this is called "intersectionality" in academia. For example, feminists teach that class, culture, race and gender all combined (usually encapsulated through "White") are the structural causes of inequality.

4. Secular Christian Tenets and Ethics

Marxism, Critical Theory, Critical Race Theory, Leftism/Wokeism all incorporate the same ethics that originate in Christianty.

  • White guilt/privilege/fragility/ = Christian Original Sin.
  • Virtue signaling = Christian penance .
  • Publicly exhibiting self-hate/self-flagellating = christian piety signaling. In christianity, genuflection, self-abasement, and self-abnegation are necessary prerequisites for spiritual purity and cleansing. This is expressed as "mortification of the flesh". For 2000 years, Europeans have been rewarded for piety signaling, i.e., displaying self-hate, confession, self-flagellation, etc., and punished for not displaying these things. This is also a form of narcissistic self-sacrifice that is inspired by a suffering servant deity.
  • Salvation/atonement (through accepting jesus and admitting sin) = accepting Leftism and admitting privilege.
  • Universalist identities/"Whiteness" = Christian Universalism. "Christendom" became the first universalized identity built around a shared morality that transcended ethnic and cultural boundaries, being replaced by "European" after the enlightenment. Christian universalism in secularized form became the blueprint for universalized "whiteness", especially in america.
  • Race/IQ/gender/genetics denialism ("Boasian anthropology") = "all equal in Jesus".
  • Political Correctness = Heresy.
  • Cancel culture = witch-hunts/excommunicated for heresy.
  • Government = God. An omnipresent entitlement and benefactor giver.
What is the end goal of these divide-and-conquer slave-morality systems? (Christianity/Marxism/Cultural Marxism/Race Marxism/Gender Marxism). "Progress" (deconstruction/abolition) is the weaponizing the poor, outcastes, racial groups and women to get them to overthrow the dominant group in society and then create a slave class controlled by a tiny elite. Why? Friedrich Nietzsche claimed that all these slave-moralities were the manifestations of a Jewish group strategy/essentialist racial instincts operating below the level of real consciousness [link].


1. What do the Jews Believe? Top ↑

Around the same time that jews at the 'Alexandrian School' in Egypt created the New Testament to mentally subvert their enemies, they plagiarized Plato's Timaeus (360 BC) (where the story of Abraham comes from), Plato's The Laws (347 BC) (19), Manetho’s Aegyptiaca (ca. 285–280 BC) (where the story of Exodus comes from), and Berossus’s Babyloniaca (278 BC) and then turned this new religion into a group strategy that created an intense ethnocentrism, an unconquerable will to power, and a drive to exist at all costs (20).

You can prove that Christianity is a slave morality system that is designed to subvert a group simply by comparing the differences between the Old and New Testaments (21)

  • Jews: "eye for an eye" and "never forgive, never forget". Christians: "turn the other cheek" and "submit to the evil doer".
  • Jews: "life should be endowed with material worth." Jews do not believe in an afterlife and believe in achieving riches and pleasure in this life. Christians believe in asceticism and that they will be rewarded in the afterlife.
  • Jews: the Torah contains over 100 mitzvot concerning business and money-making. Christians: "usury" and money lending is one of the worst sins.
  • Jews: master race/"God's chosen people", outbreeding or conversion is forbidden. Christians: Universalist/"all are one in Jesus", "love thy brother". Having "pride" is one of the worst sins.
  • Jews: multiple mitzvots that command them to be fruitful and have as many kids as possible. Christians: the bible preaches celibacy [too many verses to quote, so go here: link] and antinatalism (Ecclesiastes 4:3, Job 3:16, Matthew 26:24), and moreover, "jesus" even says that men should castrate themselves to gain entry into the kingdom of heaven! (Matthew 19:11-12 [link])
  • The “New Testament” was built on Judaism, which unconsciously ties Christians to Jewish masters.
  • Judaism is tribal. Christianity is universal.
  • Judaism is an ethnocentric religion that does not accept converts. Christians actively seek converts of all races because Christian Universalism considers everyone equal.
  • The Old Testament is filled with hatred, violence, killing, and war. The New Testament is filled with love, unconditional tolerance, and anti-rebellion: "for all who draw the sword will die by the sword".
  • Jews loath Christians, but Christians believe that Jews are "God's chosen" and they exist to serve Israel.

1. Conclusion Top ↑

Over the past 2000 years, every group that had the christian psyop forced on them had their societies overthrown through a revolution of the lowest outcastes of society and then had their evolutionary group strategy evolve under constant pressure to conform to this dysgenic suicide system. All of your patterns of perception, logic, symbol formation, thought, speech, action, and emotional response have evolved to operate subconsciously within the dynamics of this system. This system stripped you of identity, pride, tribal spirit, and the will to power, with the ultimate goal of turning you into a guilt-ridden and self-loathing slave.
        It is horrifying to think of the scale that this psyop grew to, how this system became institutionalized, how it changed the evolutionary group strategy of billions of people, how it created hell on earth for the entire planet for centuries, and how it is the system that is responsible for the needless destruction of billions of people.


Footnotes Top ↑

[1] Millenarianism. Wikipedia. [link]

[2] Master–slave morality. Wikipedia. [link]

[3] Tschandala. Wikipedia. [link]

[4] Ressentiment. Wikipedia. [link]

[5] On the Genealogy of Morality. Wikipedia. [link]

[6] ibid. First Treatise. Wikipedia.,_%27Good_and_Bad%27%22 [link]

[7] Master-Slave Morality. Wikipedia. [link]

[8] Priesthood of all believers. Wikipedia. [link]
--Apotheosis. Wikipedia. [link]
--Self-deification in Biblical Texts. Bible interp. (n.d.). [link]

[9] White savior. Wikipedia. [link]

[10] Messianism. Wikipedia. [link]

[11] Heresy in Christianity. Wikipedia. [link]

[12] Christian mission. Wikipedia. [link]

[13] Quotes from Martin Luther:
--"Reason must be deluded, blinded, and destroyed. Faith must trample underfoot all reason, sense, and understanding, and whatever it sees must be put out of sight and … know nothing but the word of God."
--"There is on earth among all dangers no more dangerous thing than a richly endowed and adroit reason…"
--"Reason should be destroyed in all Christians."
--"Whoever wants to be a Christian should tear the eyes out of his Reason."
--Martin Luther was also behind the invention of the Prussian educational system [link], i.e. the western system of education. A teacher at the front of the class replicates a priest, a classroom replicates a church, constant tests to show that you memorized the teaching (never tested on your ability to apply learned information in creative ways), this is all designed to strip students of critical thinking ability and turn them into stupid and obedient slaves. See also: Luther's Large Catechism [link]
--The catholic church even banned the teaching of philosophy in Europe as it was deemed "heretical" [link] [link]

[14] Myth of Er. Wikipedia. [link]

[15] Friedrich Nietzsche claimed that slave moralities [link] (xtianity, Buddhism, liberalism, etc.) allowed the chandala castes to triumph over the aristocratic and warrior castes in ancient India and in Rome and he predicted that they would eventually allow them to overtake the entire west which is what you see today [link]. Ex. the lowest scum chandala are empowered to destroy all progress in their attempt to gain moral and social supremacy over the higher castes. See: Master–slave morality [link], Tschandala [link], Transvaluation of values [link], Nietzschean affirmation [link], and Ressentiment [link]. See also: Last Man [link]
Quotes from Friedrich Nietzsche:
--"Christianity, sprung from Jewish roots and comprehensible only as a growth on this soil, represents the counter-movement to any morality of breeding, of race, privilege:—it is the anti-Aryan religion par excellence. Christianity, the revaluation of all Aryan values, the victory of chandala values, the gospel preached to the poor and base, the general revolt of all the downtrodden, the wretched, the failures, the less favored, against race: the undying chandala hatred as the religion of love".
--"The Jews are responsible for bringing mankind to a state where it finds it ever harder to affirm life at all: they have made mankind sick with their reversal of values, whereby only those who suffer are good, only those who are poor, those who are despised are good; only those who deny life are good."
--"Christianity aims at mastering beasts of prey; its modus operandi is to make them sick— weakening is the Christian recipe for taming, for “civilizing.” Buddhism is a religion for the closing, over-wearied stages of civilization".
--Friedrich Nietzsche was a major influence on every jewish philosopher and on every jewish intellectual movement over the past 100 years [link] [link] [link]. It is almost as if groups like the Frankfurt School read what Nietzsche warned about and then turned around and promoted those things instead.
--Master–slave morality. Wikipedia. [link]

[16] Reflections on the Christ Myth, part 1: What Is Christianity? Revilo P. Oliver.
--By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them. Revilo P. Oliver.
--The Origins of Christianity. Revilo P. Oliver.
--Liberalism is Christianity without the Christ. Revilo P. Oliver.
-Social Gospel [link]. Wikipedia. "In the United States prior to the First World War, the Social Gospel was the religious wing of the progressive movement which had the aim of combating injustice, suffering and poverty in society".

[17] Bible quotes. 'Christianity is an egalitarian religion similar to Marxism/Communism.'
--Christianity & Communism: Parallels in the Bible.
--'Communism is Christianity'.
--Communism is Neo-Christianity. National Vanguard.
--"Weeds of the same root".

[18] League of the Just. Wikipedia. [link]

[19] Argonauts of the Desert: Structural Analysis of the Hebrew Bible by Philippe Wajdenbaum
--Plato and the Creation of the Hebrew Bible.

[20] Deuteronomy 7 is basically the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

[21] Christianity also has inbuilt mechanisms to prevent jews from converting. Ex. Calling jews the "synagogue of Satan"; Jesus disobeys the strict dietary laws of the Jewish religion by picking ears of corn on the Sabbath when work is forbidden, eats with unwashed hands and with publicans and sinners. "Love thy neighbor" including the despised Samaritans. Also, the main weapon to repulse jews from Christianity was the Talmud, written after the Bible had been compiled in which the Rabbis preached hatred against Christians.


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